Eye Lid surgery performed by FRANZCO registered Corneal and Oculoplastic Surgeon.
Eyelid Reduction Surgery
As a part of normal ageing, the skin of the eyelids may sag and become loose and baggy. Excess fatty tissue in the upper and lower eyelids may contribute to the condition. Some people find this unsightly. If the condition is extreme in the upper eyelid, it may partially block vision. Eyelid reduction surgery, called "blepharoplasty" can correct both the aesthetic and vision problem. The loose fold of the skin that droops over the eyelid can be removed to make the eyes appear bigger and younger-looking. Eyelid reductions are one of the most common plastic surgery operations.
The Decision to have treatment
The decision to have eyelid reduction surgery should be made only after a discussion with your surgeon.
The decision of whether to have surgery
Realistic Expectation: Patients who are healthy and have realistic expectations about what the surgery can achieve are suitable for an eyelid reduction, Eyelid reduction surgery is an "elective" procedure, meaning that it is a matter of choice and nor necessary for good health.
Before Surgery
To plan the best treatment, your surgeon needs to know your full medical history. Tell your surgeon about health problems you have had, as some may interfere with surgery, anaesthesia and post-surgery care,
You may be advised not to take blood thinners, aspirin, medicines containing aspirin, large amounts of vitamins, or anti-inflammatory medicines for at least 10 days before surgery. These can increase the risk of excessive bleeding during and after surgery. Discuss this carefully with your surgeon.
Give the surgeon a list of all medicines you are taking or have taken recently. Unless your surgeon advises differently, you will be able to continue taking most medicines. Tell the surgeon if you have had an allergy or bad reaction to antibiotics, anaesthetic drugs, or any other medicine. prolonged bleeding or excessive bruising when injured any long-term or recent illnesses previous eyelid or facial surgery dry eyes, use of eye drops, or visual disturbances any use of glasses or contact lenses psychological or psychiatric illness. To detect problems that could complicate surgery or anaesthesia, tests may be needed. Your surgeon will give you instructions about preparing for any tests. Arrange for a relative or friend to drive you to and from the day-procedure clinic Have someone stay with you for at least 24 hours after you return home. Smoking: Stop smoking for at least two weeks before and after surgery. Smoking increases the risks associated with surgery and anaesthesia and impairs healing. It is best to quit.
Recovery from Surgery You can usually drink fluids and eat a light meal two to three hours after surgery. Discomfort is usually mild and typically is limited to the incisions. You may need pain medication for a few days. Bruising and swelling usually subsides in three to four weeks. Sleeping with your head elevated will help to reduce swelling. Putting a cool compress gently over the area can help relieve discomfort and swelling. You can resume your normal activities a few days after surgery but do not smoke, undertake a strenuous activity or drink a lot of alcohol. Most people take two weeks off work. Healing is usually complete within a few months. You may need to clean your eyes as they sometimes get crusty and itchy. You may need to use lubricating drops. You will be shown how to do this before you go home. Your eyes may be sensitive to light for a few days so you may need to wear sunglasses. Use a sunblock cream and wear a hat to protect your face when outside. You can wear make-up after about 10 days. Do not wear contact lenses for at least two weeks. After that, they can be worn but may still cause some discomfort for a while.
Follow up: You will usually return to the surgeon for a check-up after about a week. Your surgeon will examine the treated area and answer any questions. Another appointment may be scheduled at the check-up visit. Risk of surgery Modern surgery is safe but does have risks. Despite the highest standards of surgical practice, complications are possible. It is not usual for a surgeon to dwell at length on every possible side effect or a rare, serious complication of any surgical procedure. Any discussion of frequency of risks or benefits (for example, one patient in 100, or rare" and so on) can only be estimates as the outcomes of clinical research can vary widely. Such outcomes can depend on many factors, such as the surgical methods, equipment, surgeons' experience, and data collection, among others. Most people having eyelid reduction surgery will not have complications, but if you have concerns about possible side effects, discuss them with your surgeon. The following list of possible complications is intended to inform you, not to alarm you. There may be others that are not listed. Serious problems after eyelid reduction surgery are uncommon. Risks include pain and discomfort temporary swelling, leading to a tight feeling in the eyes bruising, which persists for two to three weeks removal of too much skin, possibly exposing the cornea to injury asymmetry of the eyelids noticeable scarring of the incisions itchiness, watering or dryness of the eye that may require the use of artificial tears; rarely, this may be permanent changes in vision, which usually resolve quickly; rarely, some may be long lasting or permanent rarely, blindness may result; the risk is considered to be about one eye in every 40,000 procedures; smoking, pre-existing eye disease, straining, lifting and coughing add to this risk.
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